Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Jaw Dropping

Last night was my first night at Camp Lonehollow. When I tell you im in the middle of no where, it is TRULY the definition of Middle of NO where. The ride was up a windy 2 lane highway that you can fall of the side. After driving for about 2 hours we reached the entrance, then drove another 10 minutes up a dirt road to the buildings i'ts awesome.  When we first walked into the camp I was greeted by the 3 cutest dogs (besides Erin and Cloey) 2 golden labs and one GOLDEN DOODLE! (reminds me of Kimberly every time i see him because i know thats the dog she wants, and now I want one! So cute and follows everyone everywhere. We walked into the camp building and was greeted by the staff. The building is the most amazing place ive ever seen, just imagine what i would love to have my house look like inside and thats how it is. Its all fancy looking wood, top notch everything.  Today we went over all our tasks and the groundrules of camp. They have a 5 star chef that does their cooking and already I have had 3 great meals (i even liked their fish). We are in temporary bunks right now, and i laugh how nice they are. We have our own porch with nice fancy wood rocking chairs that you an sit on at night time. Brian needs to see this because just typing about it doenst show how nice it is. There is no cell phone service but their might be some if i go on top of a hill. But i do get internet in the lounge and every day ill have free time. Thats all for now, ill be taking a ton of pictures soon and post them. Already missing everyone, talk to you guys soon ( leave messages on my faceboook, and ill get back to you

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