Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Western Night (Branding Job)

Last night was Western night and everyone loved my outfit, there is a picture of me but it hasn't been posted yet. I was in charge of the Branding station at western night, in which 3 counselors took pieces of wood and imprinted either a lone hollow logo or a Texas logo (you will see it in the picture) It was an amazing night and I almost wish i could dress like that and be on a ranch more often. I just found out that i will be off tomorrow night, so everyone should be receiving a phone call! Cant wait to talk to you all. (I  also added a picture of my bed, and a picture from the Lake Lodge)

Monday, June 13, 2011

New Week

Start of the new week today, and this one should be a good one. Tomorrow we have Western night so i can finally wear all my clothes that i cant wait to wear. Yesterday i went horse back riding through the mountains. My horses name was Smore, and he was a old slower horse so it was fun. We all rode in a straight line and we got to see so much cool stuff. Last night i also showed my kids some magic tricks and how to pretend your levitating. Entertaining 10 year olds with that stuff sure is easy. They seem to really like me and my partner and they are finally understanding that listening to us brings them more FUN! This saturday I am going to a rodeo thats about 30 min away. I hope everyone is doing great :)

Saturday, June 11, 2011

Getting Tired

Getting pretty tired latly but still seeing new things. Ill keep taking pictures but eventually there will be nothing left to take.

Friday, June 10, 2011

1ST Period "Weight Training"

The camp doesn't have much weights to work with so I decided we go for a morning run. We went up a train called "rattle snake" i heard alot about it, and how far it was. There are 2 kids in my class and one other guide. It was pretty steep in some spots, but we were able to make it up pretty easily and the pictures will explain themselves. The run down was very fun, very steep and fast. The pictures are of "Rattle Snake" which you can see the entire camp.

Thursday, June 9, 2011

Getting into routine

Everything is going really smooth now, and the kids are really enjoying the activities im teaching. Today we finally hit in baseball and it was impressive how well some were able to hit. Its a bit hot today, but not humid which is great. Ping Pong is a big hit, i made up a game where everyone can play at once and everyone is always involved, the kids come everyday so excited to play the game again. I call the group the tribe and once someone is out, everyone tells them the tribe has spoken and they go play on the other table. I have ping pong actually next period and it should be fun. Last night our kids finnaly sat down and had a serious conversation with me and Clark (co-counselor) Some scary stories were told so we had to leave the bathroom lights on. Im putting up a picture of my name tag that everyone gets ( gets darker the longer your here, this was taken a few days ago) Along with my counselor shirt.

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Going great so far

Everything is going pretty good, kids are starting to calm down and really enjoy what we do and pay attention. Every night we play a game where we through a hacky sack into a bin from the other side of the cabin. Everyone who got it in got a NYIT baseball braclet so they were excited. Today we have a campers birthday so we get cake at dinner. Ill try to take some pictures tomorrow and ill post them up, just not too much time latly to take any. Hope all is well

Sunday, June 5, 2011

fast post

Hey everyone, just had a quick break and wanted to let everyone know its going great. on my break i rode up a mountain trail on mountain bikes. It was cool how remote it felt when you ride out here. Got all my kids yesterday and it was good, very talkitive kids. hope everyone is doing great, miss you

Friday, June 3, 2011


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Got my cabin today!

Yesterday was too busy to get a chance to jump on and write, but i have time right now. Its been great so far far past my expectations which were already high. I was put into my cabin today with Clark, hes from Houston. We are going to have the "scouts" in our cabin which is around 4-6th grade. They are arriving tomorrow at around 1pm so it should be pretty awesome once they get here. So far its been pretty much going over information and more information but every morning I go for a run to see whats around and i take pictures on the way. Ill try to post them tonight or something i forgot my camera in my room. Last night i was also able to see a shooting star, it feels like your in a globe at night time nothing like ive ever seen before. I have dinner in an hour, and yet still havent seen the same meal twice, and every meal has been really good. I played tennis also last night with Kyle from South Africa, while by the courts i got to see the 30 horses they have here. Thats it for now, hope to get the pictures up soon! = D

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Jaw Dropping

Last night was my first night at Camp Lonehollow. When I tell you im in the middle of no where, it is TRULY the definition of Middle of NO where. The ride was up a windy 2 lane highway that you can fall of the side. After driving for about 2 hours we reached the entrance, then drove another 10 minutes up a dirt road to the buildings i'ts awesome.  When we first walked into the camp I was greeted by the 3 cutest dogs (besides Erin and Cloey) 2 golden labs and one GOLDEN DOODLE! (reminds me of Kimberly every time i see him because i know thats the dog she wants, and now I want one! So cute and follows everyone everywhere. We walked into the camp building and was greeted by the staff. The building is the most amazing place ive ever seen, just imagine what i would love to have my house look like inside and thats how it is. Its all fancy looking wood, top notch everything.  Today we went over all our tasks and the groundrules of camp. They have a 5 star chef that does their cooking and already I have had 3 great meals (i even liked their fish). We are in temporary bunks right now, and i laugh how nice they are. We have our own porch with nice fancy wood rocking chairs that you an sit on at night time. Brian needs to see this because just typing about it doenst show how nice it is. There is no cell phone service but their might be some if i go on top of a hill. But i do get internet in the lounge and every day ill have free time. Thats all for now, ill be taking a ton of pictures soon and post them. Already missing everyone, talk to you guys soon ( leave messages on my faceboook, and ill get back to you